The school campus includes: seven classroom blocks, administration offices, library and information technology centre, activities hall, tuckshop, uniform shop, covered games areas, 25 metre heated swimming pool, outdoor covered amphitheatre, oval, adventure playgrounds, sculpture garden, art room, music rooms, computer lab and resource room.
Library and information technology centre

The Library is colourful, spacious, fully air conditioned and equipped with the latest in a range of books for reading pleasure.
The Library design, layout and furniture have also been carefully selected to cater for the various age groupings from Prep to Year 6.
The Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Room is purpose-built so students can engage in collaborative, hands-on learning involving spheros, ozobots, makey makey and a range of other resources.
The computer lab is a place for students to explore coding, receive targeted literacy support, conduct research or complete class tasks. The computer lab is available for student use at both lunch breaks.
Prep classrooms
Our five Prep classrooms provide a modern, air-conditioned facility that provides child-centred indoor activity centres, modern furniture, interactive whiteboards, computers, ipads and wireless capability. Students also have access to a large interactive table for small group learning.
Years 1 to 6 classrooms
Our Year 1 classrooms are located in G block at the Pringle Street end of the school premises. These classrooms continue to provide learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom to support literacy and numeracy teaching in the early years.
Our Years 2 to 6 classrooms are located between the administration block and the oval. These classrooms all have access to modern technology, wireless connectivity and electronic whiteboards.
Art room
An Artist-in-Residence provides a stimulating range of art lessons for all students from Prep to Year 6 throughout the year. These lessons are conducted in the well-equipped art room in Cblock near the Prep playground. There are also lunch time Art Clubs and after school art classes held in the art room as part of Ascot's Community Education Program.
Tuckshop is open every day of each school term except for the last two days of the school year (term 4). The Ascot State School P & C employs two tuckshop convenors who co-ordinate the tuckshop roster home baking and special ordering days throughout the year.
A complete list of menu items is available through, an online ordering system.
Play areas
Ascot State School has an all inclusive loose parts play space, junior play grounds, senior play areas on the school oval and three covered play areas. Hand ball is commonly played on the covered games court and under F and I blocks.

Sculpture garden
The sculpture garden is the heart of Ascot State School. It is located in a beautifully landscaped terraced section of the school. Local artists donated some of the sculptures featured. Also featured is a mosaic waterfall which cascades down the terrace. Ascot parent and artist-in-residence Bev Ridsdill-Kenny created this mosaic over many months.
Activities hall
The school activities hall was constructed in 1971-72 and was largely funded by the P&C and wider school community. The Assembly Hall houses many of the Ascot State School success stories including trophies and shields and a replica of the ship. The hall is used for many school-based activities including school assemblies, physical education lessons, dance and drama lessons, the school music evenings as well as choir and band practice. It is also used for special events including student leadership and awards ceremonies as well as fund-raising activities such as school discos and movie nights. Extra-curricular community activities are held in the hall after school.
Uniform shop
The Uniform shop stocks all of the uniform requirements and is right here at school. Opening times are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 8.15am to 9.30am during the school term. It is situated in Block A adjacent to Anthony Street.
Swimming pool
The Ascot State School swimming pool is believed to be the first or at least, one of the first swimming pools in a state school in Queensland. The original pool constructed in 1921 operated on a fill and empty principle, the water being drained out on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. A new pool was then constructed in 1966 on the present site. Students in Year 1 and 2 enjoy two swimming lessons a week.
A very active sub-committee of the Ascot State School P&C is the Swimming Club. They meet every Friday night from 5.45pm at the school pool during terms 1 and 4.